MarinaLab Opus d.o.o.

MarinaLab Opus d.o.o.

Family company for producing medicinal products, cosmetics, special purpose cosmetics, and food supplements. Oriented to production of high quality, safe, and effective products according to the legislation and international standards ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003,...
Maribu d.o.o.

Maribu d.o.o.

Company Maribu d.o.o. based in Ližnjan, is specialized in providing services in the field of business consultancy and representation of foreign companies in the field of fisheries. The company offers a range of quality services, such as consulting, providing business...
Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) Istrian Sole

Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) Istrian Sole

Fisheries Local action group (FLAG) represents local partnership between public, private and civic sector as equals, on a specific geographically linked area, based on the LEADER approach guidelines. The aim of establishing a FLAG is to use joint efforts, through the...
Cromaris d.d.

Cromaris d.d.

Cromaris is a leading company In the aquaculture sector in Croatia and the Adriatic Sea. Cromaris is a company that specializes in growing, processing and sale of indigenous Adriatic fish and shellfish. We were established in 2009 through merger of Croatian and...