
We live in a world of limited resources. While facing global challenges like climate change, land and ecosystem degradation and growing human population, we need to start respecting the ecological boundaries of our planet. With increasing awareness of the consequences of climate change there is a growing pressure on designing more sustainable production and business models.

Production of biomass should be optimised to increase efficiency and improve management of bioresources. With a shift in this direction, it would be possible to reduce waste generation, environment contamination and usage of fossil-based resources (Bioeconomy development in EU regions, 2017). We can make that possible by modernising our industries by using innovative ways to produce and consume food, products and materials within healthy ecosystem made possible through a sustainable bio-economy (A sustainable bioeconomy for Europe: strengthening the connection between economy, society and the environment, 2018).

Overall agriculture and forestry are accounted for ca. 30% waste produced worldwide. However, the shift to more sustainable models should also happen in the industrial and economic processes that are commonly addressed as bioeconomy. EU started the strategic journey to bioeconomy in 2012, when the first European Bioeconomy Strategy was presented from European Commission.

The ADRION region is identified as the area with relevant unexploited potential of biomass from agricultural, fisheries and forestry waste and residues. Since the bioeconomy is not fully matured in the region yet, there are significant delays in the green reconversion, multi-functioning, technology innovation and cross-sector integration within the companies operating in the sectors dealing with biomass. BIOECO-RDI project is trying to guide the structured bio-economy sector through the development of Research Driven Innovation (R.D.I.) to develop a Regional Innovative System for the Adriatic-Ionian region.

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