Materials Design and Processing M.D.P. srl
The Material Design and Processing company is a SME established in 2003 as Spin-Off of the University of Perugia, with the aim to apply and valorise the results of the extensive research programs in Material Science and Technology developed by the founders at the Materials Engineering Center of the University of Perugia.
The mission of the company is to transfer technology from academia to industry, with particular attention to Life Cycle Assessment technology and material science, supplying them technological support in order to improve their competitiveness.
M.D.P. S.r.l. is active in different sectors of polymer and material science, including recycling and bio-based products, and composites; moreover MDP is active in the evaluation of environmental impact of specific products and processes by using the LCA approach.
MDP has a good experience in participation in European project, in fact MDP participated to five European FP6 and FP7 project with the role of LCA performer.

Company name Materials Design and Processing M.D.P. srl
Sector Bio Economy - Green Chemistry - Green Economy - Waste Management - Other: LCA studies, Polymers, Composites
Address Piazza Ridolfi 7; 05100 Terni Italy
Country Italy